After doing corrective work with subtractive equalization and
compression, try shaping the tone with additive equalization. Tonal
equalization adds presence and character. For example, it’s common
to boost the high end to add presence in pop and electronic music.
The best way to shape tone is with an analog modeled EQ . Analog
modeled equalizers emulate the circuity and musical character of their
classic hardware counterparts. Analog modeled EQs also add, warmth,
presence, punch, and sheen to your music.
It’s common practice to use a combination of digital and analog-style
EQs. For example, digital EQs are excellent for corrective work because
they are precise, flexible, and transparent sounding. Whereas analog-
modeled EQs are ideal for tonal work and sweetening. They excel at
emphasizing or attenuating certain frequency bands in a broad,
musical manner to achieve clarity and punch.
After achieving an ideal frequency balance and dynamic range, add
modulation effects if needed. Common modulation effects include
chorus, flanger, phaser, tremolo, stereo width, and auto-pan. These
creative audio effects add movement, depth, width, and character to
It’s common to insert creative effects after corrective work in post-
production. Some prefer to get the basic sound down before
modulating or adding ambiance. However, it’s also common to apply
modulation effects before corrective effects during the sound design
Again, there are no rules. It might sound better to insert a modulation
effect before the subtractive EQ and compressor. This workflow is
logical if you want to clean up the sound and tame dynamics after
creative processing. Use your ears!
Reverb and delay effects are typically inserted towards the end of the
chain or on return tracks. These time-based effects add a sense of
space, dimension, and fullness to your mix. They also provide that
integral polish that immerses listeners.
The order of these two effects will also make a difference. For
example, when using delay and reverb together, it’s common to insert
the delay before the reverb. This way the reverb doesn’t wash out the
sound before it hits the delay.
Limiters are essential dynamic processing tools used for mixing and
mastering. At a basic level, limiters reduce the peaks in a waveform
and prevent them from exceeding a digital ceiling. The result reduces
the dynamic range of an audio signal and increases perceived
loudness .
Insert a limiter towards the end of your effects chain to reduce
excessive transients, control dynamics, glue sounds together, boost
levels, and add power. However, not every sound requires limiting.
Only apply a limiter if it’s needed.
Sidechain compression creates separation between elements and
helps them punch through the mix. It also minimizes phasing and
frequency masking between the two elements.
A sidechain compressor uses an external sound source to quickly
reduce the volume of a sound. For example, sidechaining a bass track
will lower the bass volume every time the kick strikes. This technique
allows the kick to cut through the mix more clearly. It will also give the
kick more of an impact.
Applying sidechain compression last in the effects chain also helps
control reverb and delay tails. In addition, it gives you more flexibility to
adjust the amount of sidechaining without affecting the signal input of
other effects plugins.
Inserting a gain plugin last in the chain allows you to adjust your levels
further if needed. It’s also recommended to insert a gain plugin at the
end of the effects chain if you plan on using volume automation.
Automation is an essential process that helps make your music sound
more compelling, exciting, and dynamic. It’s better to apply automation
using a gain plugin instead of the tracks volume fader. This method
keeps the volume fader free to make further gain staging adjustments.
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